Category Archives: Spiritual Speakers

Malakai of the Pleiadian Collective and a Brief message from ‘RA’

CHANNELED MESSAGE from Malakai of the Pleiadian Collective and a Brief message from ‘RA’ through Isaac

“Isaac offers channeled messages from the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as Chakra readings, Tarot Readings and Astrology Readings. He is working to help prepare the planet for first contact with Extra-Terrestrials and wishes to help uplift the overall consciousness of humanity. Starseed and Truth-seekers alike, we all have a roll to play.

You can find more Channeled messages on his YouTube Channel – Starseed Communications:

He also has a second YouTube with videos on basic metaphysics and General Self-Help at:

Visit his website for info on Readings at


Malakai of the Pleiadian Collective and a Brief message from ‘RA’ was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

Preparing for First Contact ~ Chapter 27 Accepting 5D Energy Packages October 20, 2016 By Sharman and the Pleiadians Through Sue Lie

Preparing for First Contact ~ Chapter 27 Accepting 5D Energy Packages

October 20, 2016 By Sharman and the Pleiadians Through Sue Lie



By Sharman the Pleiadians—Through Sue Lie

Chapter 27

Accepting the Fifth Dimensional Energy Packages

Greetings, I am Sharman, here again with an important message regarding the accelerated changes on Earth. These changes are primarily occurring because of the fifth dimensional energy fields that are flowing deeper and deeper into your atmosphere, as well as into Gaia’s core.

It is primarily those who have calibrated their consciousness to the resonance of the fifth dimension that are able to consciously experience these fifth dimensional, perceptual fields. We, your galactic family, ask that those of you who are able to perceive these fifth dimensional waves of reality assist Gaia to ground them into Her planetary core.

We also remind you to document the manner in which you can perceive these fifth dimensional, and beyond, energy fields, so that you can assist others in remembering how they can perceive these fifth dimension energy fields.

It is through documenting your inter-dimensional perceptions, and sharing them with others, that you greatly contribute to the process of recognizing the shifting frequency of the myriad energetic flows that are NOW occurring within your daily life.

These shifting frequencies are similar to swimming in a natural body of water in which there are warm patches of water and colder patches of water. Since it is the water, you will not see an outline around these different temperatures.

It is in this manner that you will perceive a difference between the third, fourth and fifth dimensional energy fields. Also, your body, your thoughts, and your emotions will innately resonate to the frequency of these energy fields.

For example, when you enter into a fifth dimensional energy flow you might suddenly feel very happy, loving, and feel as though someone is trying to communicate with you. Then, as you move through that energy field, you may fall back into your “normal” 3D life. However, the more that you consciously experience these higher dimensional flows of energy the less the third dimension will feel normal.

In fact, as you experience more and more fifth dimensional energy packages, which are wafting into your awareness like a sweet breeze or a ray of sunlight that moves across your face, the more you will consciously or unconsciously seek out these fifth dimensional energy flows that are increasing day-by-day.

As these energy fields increasingly intermingle with your third and fourth dimensional energy fields, humanity will increasingly become aware that “something is different.” At first, only those who have expanded their consciousness to encompass the fifth dimension and beyond will be aware that these higher dimensional energy waves are flowing through, and intermingling with, your daily experience of reality.

However, the term “reality” will take on new definitions. Within a third dimensional reality, one does not think of their “reality.” Instead, they merely call it life.

On the other hand, as you begin to have more multidimensional experiences, you will increasingly perceive that there are many versions of “reality” that are all occurring within the same NOW.

We ask that you take a moment in your busy day to consciously acknowledge these higher dimensional waves of energy. We also request that you share the most intimate parts of your ascension process with others. Yes, you are indeed within the active process of planetary ascension.

But, within the NOW, you do NOT need to be a famous leader or a martyr. Within these current waves of ascension, as there have been many ascension waves in preparation for this NOW, you can stand tall within the ever-expanding knowing that Gaia is Ascending.

Within this NOW, you do not need to be a leader or any form of a “special person. NOW it is the “regular people” who are feeling the energy fields of ascension as they move through their “regular life.”

Unfortunately, many humans are not aware that what they are experiencing is an ascension wave. Instead, they may suddenly experience a feeling of deep, unconditional love, a growing sense of responsibility to help others understand and accept what they are experiencing, and/or an inner call to accept, integrate and share their experiences with others.

More and more humans, and of course, ALL the plants, animals, insects, etc., are beginning to consciously feel the energy fields of ascension. These ascension energy fields are calling you to “Let GO.”

Primarily, you are being asked to “Let Go” of your attachment to the third dimensional dramas of physical life. On the other hand, these dramas, problems, disappointments, and mistakes are the foundation of your ascension process, as they represent that which is being released.

Hence, we ask that you Let Go of judging your self or your process. There is no “better way” to move through your ascension process. There is only “YOUR way.” Remember that Gaia’s operating system has been based on forming strong individuals.

Now that the fifth dimensional energy fields are increasingly wafting into your daily life, it is the NOW to release all self-judgment and to unconditionally love yourself. If you find there are any portions of your personal life that you cannot love unconditionally, then please transmute them with the Violet Fire.

The reasons for your “self-judgment” came while you were lost in third/fourth dimensional energy fields. In fact, you will increasingly be called on to differentiate the third/fourth dimensional energy fields of polarity, separation, time and space from the fifth dimensional energy fields of unconditional love and unity with all life.

If you find yourself engaging in a third dimensional energy field, please remember to Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire to transmute all shadow into Light, Light, Light. Then you will assist Gaia greatly in Her process of planetary ascension.

If you align your personal energy field with the incoming fifth dimensional energy fields, you will begin to consciously perceive the incoming fifth dimensional energy fields. Then, be sure to ground these perceptions into your physical form, as well as in the physical planet of Earth.

We ask that you direct your attention toward the higher dimensional energy fields because, “Where your attention is, there YOU are also.” The more you have conscious interactions with fifth dimensional energy fields, the more you will become accustomed to the resonant feeling of the fifth dimensional.

You have remembered that if you align your conscious attention with a fourth dimensional energy field, you will enter that fourth dimensional resonance of reality. In the same manner, when you align your conscious attention with a fifth dimensional energy field, you will enter that reality.

Within the NOW of the fifth dimensional HERE, your choice of perception is directed by your state of consciousness. Simultaneously, it is your state of consciousness that sets your choice of perceptions. Yes, YOU are choosing your state of consciousness and your state of consciousness directs your choice of perceptions.

You could not be aware of this fact while fully immersed in a third dimensional reality. A third dimensional reality is based on time, space, and the various forms of cause and effect. You have r third dimensional reality has appeared to be caused by your thoughts and emotions,

Your third dimensional consciousness is not able to realize that YOU can choose your own thoughts and emotions, much less that you can choose to create the frequency of reality that you chose to perceive.

Your third dimensional expression of self is not able to recognize that YOU are creating your “outer world” by your frequency of thoughts and the frequency of emotions that you chose to accompany these thoughts.

Fortunately, more and more of our grounded ones are expanding their consciousness beyond the third/fourth dimensions of time and space, and into the fifth dimension of “Here and NOW.”

With no “time” to deeply ponder your choices, and no “space” for you to travel in order to achieve your goal, the fifth dimension if often perceived as a fleeting idea, a blink of an eye, or an idea that flows through your mind more quickly you can understand it.

There are many “updates” within the third/fourth dimensional operating system that are preparing your physical system for the full download of your fifth dimensional operating system. More and more humans are remembering how to activate their innate fifth dimensional operation system and interface it with their earth vessels.

When you download a new operating system into your computer, or if you even download new updates into your computer, your computer must adapt to these changes. If you do not adapt to these changes, you will not be able to use your computer to its greatest ability.kundalini-600x338

If you do not download the updates, your computer will not be able to merge with and use the future updates. This is where the “letting go” comes in. In order to fully update your consciousness to recognize, read, and integrate the fifth dimensional “upgrades” that are flowing into your transmuting reality, you must “let go” of your old manner of perceiving your self and your reality.

When you accept these “downloads,” you are no longer just a 3D human because you have initiated your conscious return to your “multidimensional human.” However, you must release your old programs before you can fully embrace your new programs.

If you cannot release your attachment to your third dimensional expression of self, you will not be able to perceive and “fully download” the fourth dimensional upgrades that are flowing into your reality.

Then, when a fifth dimensional upgrade comes into your reality, you will not be able to download it, as the needed foundation of the fourth dimension is not available. Fortunately, all fifth dimensional energy packages, or downloads are free of time and space.

Hence, the download of the fifth dimension does not need to occur during any particular time period or in any particular sequence. On the other hand, your process of thinking often needs to follow a time/space format because that is how you were taught to think in your third dimensional reality.

As you know, there are many savants and/or geniuses that have been able to break through the third dimensional time/space barrier and expand their daily awareness into the fifth dimensional HERE and NOW. Furthermore, many of the new children that are being born are already calibrated to perceive the fifth dimension as their primary reality.

It is the challenge of the parents of these children to recognize that it is their child that will teach them as much as they will teach their child. We Galactics are volunteering to assist humanity’s ascension process by taking earth vessels at an ever-increasing rate.

In fact, we are offering special instruction for humans wearing a three dimensional earth vessel who choose to visit our Ships in their night body or during their meditations. Many of these humans are not consciously aware of these visits, but they often wake up with “unusual dreams.”

Then, as they go about their day, they begin to realize how their state of consciousness greatly influences their perception of reality. For example, a low state of consciousness will put one on alert to “guard against what may go wrong.”

On the one hand, a higher state of consciousness allows one to relax into the safety of remembering that they are eternally guided and unconditionally loved. This sense of safety creates a higher state of consciousness. Then, these higher states of consciousness create conscious perceptions of higher frequency realities.

On the other hand, fear creates a downward slope that lowers your state of consciousness, which creates more fear, which creates a lower state of consciousness, which diminishes your higher dimensional perceptions.

If you can be consciously aware of the energy fields that you are choosing to download into your consciousness, you will be more and more able to “choose” the reality that you wish to experience.

There is no right or wrong way to interact with the third and fourth dimensional energy fields, except to BE CONSCIOUS of the frequency of energy that you allow to merge with your aura, and hence, your third dimensional earth vessel.

Your earth vessels need extra attention within this NOW because they are in transition. There is an innate message that goes off in your minds that is saying, “Ascension has begun.” Your body can receive that message long before your mind, because your body does not “think” like a human.

Your body perceives reality via the same unity consciousness as Gaia’s plant and animal kingdoms. All of Gaia’s beings and plants live in unity with their environment. Therefore, they have NO sense of separation.

Yes, there is predator and prey, which are organized in third dimensional patterns of “fight or flight.” But, the animals do so for protection of self or others, or for survival. On the other hand, many humans go into “fight” to get money and have power OVER others.

The plant and animal kingdoms, as well as the ascending humans, are aligned with all of Gaia’s creatures to expand the frequency of Gaia’s resonance into the fifth dimension by recognizing, accepting and downloading the fifth dimensional energy waves into their physical form and into the physical form of Gaia’s Earth.

There are many reports of how predator and prey are forming intimate bonds with each other. What do the animals know that people do not? They know how to read the energy fields. “How can an animal “read?” The answer is that plants and animals FEEL, perceive, know, and live within the flow of the ONE.

Because they live within the Flow of the ONE, they automatically accept all the higher dimensional downloads without thought or judgment. They are ONE with the planet. Therefore, they perceive no separation between themselves and their planet.

In fact, many members of the plant and animal kingdoms perceive the connecting energy fields that connect all life. They perceive these energy fields because have NOT been told that they should NOT, or could Not, perceive them.

For many, many millennia humans who remembered their true multidimensional self and dared to give service to others were burned at the stake, outcast and harshly judged becaue they could perceive what others could not perceive.

Why did this occur? Why were humans judged and harshly punished for perceiving the higher dimensional energy packages? The answer is to this question is that people who could perceive, interact and communicate with their higher expressions of self, could not be controlled by the dark ones.

Therefore, the dark ones had to kill those who could perceive the higher light. They chose to kill them in very public fashions to warn the others to never expand their perceptions into the higher dimensions of reality.

Because of their dark history, humans have learned to doubt what they see, hear, smell, or touch. Therefore, many humans lost their instincts, and lost their ability to perceive the myriad versions of reality that resonate to the fourth dimension and beyond.

There has been so much “power over others” over humans, by the ruling hierarchy, that many men and women have lost their true Sense of SELF. Without a strong “sense of self” a human does not have a history that pulls them into the “ONE” of all that he or she has gathered during their myriad incarnation.

Each incarnation is much like a page that is written into your “Ascension Book.” Whether or not your ascension book is physical, does not matter, as your Ascension Book is written within your own multidimensional aura and eventually copied to a third dimensional earth vessel.

With the mental focus of meditation, as well as the unconditional love that you send to yourself, you can perceive, understand, and even enter into these fifth dimensional energy fields. Please remember that you will perceive these fifth dimensional energy fields in the same manner as the plants and animals perceive them.

The perception, recognition and acceptance of these fifth dimensional, and beyond, energy fields will pull you into the ONE of all LIFE and the HERE of the NOW in which YOU are writing your own Ascension Book.

As you write your Ascension Book please share it with others, practice living what you have written and loving what YOU that has remembered to perceive. Flow into your own process and assist others to enter the ever-increasing fifth dimensional waves of Light, Love and Hope.

Blessings, we your Galactic Family, are always HERE within your fifth dimension NOW!

Call us, and we WILL answer.

Sharman and your Galactic Family

The Arcturians through Suzanne

Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. 

Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life.  Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations.

Her life in the physical plane was quite “normal” as her spiritual work provided her with the confidence to continue her educational training to obtain a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Her studies included personal psychotherapy and focused on alternative methods of psychotherapy, such as hypnotherapy and guided meditation, which gave her tools to help herself, as well as others.suelie (1)

Becoming One Vol 1In 1999, after two years of prompting from the Arcturians, she began sharing her insights on her website,, where her full spiritual journey is described. “Coming out” of the spiritual closet was not easy, but fortunately, documenting her journey and talking to others all over the world with similar experiences allowed her to fully accept and embrace her true SELF.

Once she built a solid foundation of knowledge regarding the journey back to the multidimensional SELF, she began writing the two volumes of the book,Becoming ONE, People and Planet: A Manual for Personal and Planetary Transformation (VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2.)

She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.

Explorations into the incarnation and connection of twin flames and divine complements are detailed inReconstructing Realityher book, Visions from Venus, and her book Reconstructing Realitydescribes the process of awakening to past or parallel lives and incarnations.

She is excited to share her latest 5-book series, Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension, which details the entire process of an ascending planet designed to assist humanity with its current transition into a higher dimension.

Recognizing the need for comprehensive educational training and guidance in multidimensionality, she has recently started a new Leadership Program, designed to train new leaders that will bring forth expanded, synchronistic guidance, support, leadership, and governance in the societal shift.

The JournalShe has just published two new books, including The Journal, which features a compilation of messages received throughout my life presented in a relatable story highlighting what happens when ordinary people receive extraordinary information.  A lovely coffee table picture-book, I Saw A Garden, is a compilation of my illustrations with specific messages the images wished to convey.

All of her initiatives remind us that through seeking, communicating with, and integrating our true, multidimensional SELF into our physical life, we can greatly expand our consciousness and regain latent skills that will assist us in creating our new reality.

Suzanne is available for personal sessions and would love to connect with and assist those ready to explore multidimensionality and who feel drawn to the Arcturian teachings.

Preparing For First Contact A Novel by the Pleiadians by Suzanne Lie

Connect with Suzanne Lie



Awakening with Suzanne Lie


The Journal

I Saw a Garden

Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book Series (5 books)

Visions from Venus

Reconstructing Reality

Becoming One, Volume I

Becoming One, Volume II

Social & Multimedia

Suzanne Lie on YouTube

Suzanne Lie on Facebook

Suzanne Lie on Twitter

Suzanne Lie on Pinterest

Suzanne Lie on Google +

Suzanne Lie on LinkedIn

Preparing for First Contact ~ Chapter 27 Accepting 5D Energy Packages October 20, 2016 By Sharman and the Pleiadians Through Sue Lie was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

The Guardians SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Sister Pam

Very dear friends,

We have been around for a long time. We built worlds together, wonderful and marvelous. We traveled the entire cosmos to witness dazzling phenomenon. We could see and ear the multitude of cosmic rays flying in all directions and join together to the heart of the stars, planets and all life. We knew everything was wrapped in the Light, its humour was legendary and it came from the Source. We called it Creator, Spirit, Father.

You and I saw it all. Did it all. We couldn’t be stopped. We would offer council to brothers and sisters less experienced. We were part of a Grand Family spread through galaxies. Our technology was simple and advanced. We knew the laws of the Universe and we could use them to the benefit of everyone. We were protectors of Love and Compassion on every world and to any creature. Each of us had a unique talent, vital to the others. Our union created Heavens.

Then one day, we received a call from very high in the Family. The Wisest and The Eldest were asking volunteers to a perilous but crucial quest in an unexplored corner of the Universe. I remember the excitement we all felt facing a possible new adventure as we raised our hands before the elders could even finish. We had to be shrunk and slowed to reach the dense world of organic matter. We had to be reborn in a living being and learn to live anew. Easy! Been There! Only this new world was far away from Source and was engulfed in Darkness. We would have to jump in there and bring the light back through our collective strength. We would have all the help we would need but that job really only we could do it.

The silence echoed a billion thoughts of fear and doubt but Source spoke. He held us in his Unconditional Love and we took courage. He then added we would forget who we were since only a small spark of us would reach our body.  As for the heart, it would never forget. It would never be severed from him. It would be our very best friend as Heaven would watch over us from the first instant to the last moment. We would never be alone.

So we jumped! We fell together on Earth and we forgot. We did our best that is the truth. It was very hard. We were attacked at every corner, humiliated, isolated, tortured, killed. We would be born to try again. We learned many survival skills like hiding and staying quiet. Or building small closed communities and having nothing to do with anybody. Or fight the way through whatever happens. But we forgot the mission: To bring back the light on this planet. Our brothers and Sisters up high cried with us, suffered with us, whispered words of love to our souls and embraced us to our death.

“When do I go back? We said as we awaken. The Family answered with surprise, “Don’t you need to rest from your ordeal?”

“No!”  We felt a deep love for the planet, her life and the sweetness of the senses. Nothing could stop us from going back. We knew again what the mission was. We learned through many lifetimes faster than anyone in the Universe. The times of our lives passed so did the cycles of the Earth and the Ages of the Galaxy.

Until Now! Now as this planet is bathed in light coming from all directions and mostly from its core. You know that also. You feel it. You see it in yourself and in others. Something is different. Something subtle but drastic. You see the truth, now you must make the choice.

What choice? How should I know! My latest choice was simply to write this to you. I smile thinking you are smiling too. And if you are, you are a guardian. You are my crewman. We are in this together even though we do not quite understand what it is. It’s just that we can’t go back to were we used to be. That much is certain, the rest…God knows.



I am Sister Pam, I pray God will unite us in joy and laughter. Oh! and, I can’t wait to see you in your own good time.

The Guardians SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Sister Pam was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

ArchAngel Michael – Mother Mary ~ New Earth Update ~ September 2016


World Peace Projects is a template of an ever evolving platform that is consistently and unconditionally supported and run by an infinite amount of heavenly and galactic hosts. We have one aligned goal to awaken the masses and usher in and flourish the New World. This is our unified mission. Welcome Home!

e60250_88442d1b8e8e4ee6bc96d693b70e6f80-mv2For a personal healing or channeling please contact me at:


Subscribe to Chloe’s channel World Peace Projects

Love and Light!


    Chloe Hudson

Intuitive Channeling/ Energetic Healing


We wouldn’t have such a large audience if it weren’t for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! 🙂

ArchAngel Michael – Mother Mary ~ New Earth Update ~ September 2016 was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

The Most Self-Empowering Video on-line “From Fear to Freedom” by Jenna Galbut

My dear Friend and Soul Sista Jenna Galbut unfiltered and raw….

This is the first of many videos from Jenna and this girl has some major

Knowledge to Share with Us, with her Amazing Energy.

The most powerful video “made by a human.” I have ever watched. Please let here know how much this video affected you,

Click HERE to check out her Channel  and as always Like and Subscribe


Thank you for being present with me as I expose my deepest fears with you in public.
Raw is real and real is beautiful, so here’s to being authentic and perfectly imperfect.

I apologize for the cursing! I was scared as f*^k …

I will shower before and sweat less during my next video!

Love you all:)


Connect with me:
Love, Light, and Blessings



We wouldn’t have such a large audience if it weren’t for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! 🙂

The Most Self-Empowering Video on-line “From Fear to Freedom” by Jenna Galbut was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

The Golden Ones by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie September 13, 2016

The Golden Ones – Through Suzanne Lie September 13, 2016

The changes that beings have waited for so, so, long, and have predicted and the time passed, and have predicted and the time passed, and have predicted and once again, and that time passed. Now that reality, of course, passed because we were in third dimensional time, and no one can perceive an interdimensional experience while they are locked in their third dimensional consciousness.

It is for this reason that we have directed you to have your course on assisting people to remember their interdimensional experiences. What we would like to say to you today is thatyou did remember those experiences. However, you forgot many of the details, which is OK. However, you forgot the person that you were when you had those experiences.

That person that you were IS the person that you are right now. And, exactly who is that person? That person is the “you” who is connected to your Multidimensional SELF.

That person is the “you” that calls to us, listens to us, and does whatever you believe you received from us. We want you to know that if you believe that you receive something from us,you are correct.

Please remember that “belief” is recognition. And, when you recognize that you have received a communication from us, then that message came through your Multidimensional Mind, and into your physical brain. We would like you to take a moment of this NOW and feel how your Multidimensional Mind seems to float over your head.

Actually, your Personal Light Receptor is floating over, and just above, your pineal gland. In this manner, the energy fields of light that enter your Personal Light Receptor enter your brain via your Pineal Gland, which is the portal into your Crown Chakra.

A “Personal Light Receptor” is something that every single human has—even the Illuminati. Everyone has it. However, like all receptors, it needs to be plugged in and turned on, and this is what many people do not do. when you plug in your Personal Light Receptor into your Pineal Gland, what you are actually doing is saying “I am ready for active duty.” You are saying that,

“I am ready to receive my orders,

and to fulfill those orders to the greatest of my ability within that NOW.”



We would like to thank you for the many lifetimes of receiving our orders. On the other hand, for many, many years, you were unable to document those receptions because you wondered, “How could these message be important?” you asked. These messages were just for you, and you weren’t important, so who cared?

But then, finally, when, you were taking a class and you had to write a journal of your family life. Then you realized that when you write something down, it is greatly clarified. Then you can more easily and thoroughly understand the meaning, or meanings, of the message. Then, you could, also, understand more about your self.

When you more deeply understood your own self, you were ready to meet a higher frequency version of your SELF. You saw that when your higher frequency of SELF, he/she began to speak with you, and finally, you wrote it down.

It wasn’t just that you wrote down what you were thinking, you wrote down what you finally believed you were receiving from the fifth dimension and beyond.

When you documented what you believed you were receiving via your computer or via paper and pen, it grounded your interdimensional message into the body of Earth. Also, when you take the “time” to “write it down,” you have volunteered to accept that information as real.

Then, when you volunteered to accept that information as “real,” your entire self- esteem began to change. Whereas when you were young and you had your many experiences of communicating with many beings, you didn’t really think it was real.

“After all,” you thought, “how could I be important enough to speak to higher beings?” You could speak to your cats and your dogs, or to unseen beings, but you couldn’t really talk to someone who was really important because you were not important.

Now, do you see how it is very important that you see your SELF as important? In order to fully and completely accept information that resonates to a frequency far beyond that of third dimensional Earth, you need to understand that this information often starts by a sense of desperation.

When you are in a difficult time, and you really need help, your mind can expand to the extent that you can no longer accept the lies and illusions that you had believed for much of your life.

Some of you discovered that not many of the people that you knew, were able to stay with you, while you behaved in such a “weird way.” Thus, many of you felt alone, as you could not tell anyone what was happening with you. But, it is often lonely when you are a leader, and that is what you are.

That is what you have been from that first day that you began to document your experiences. When you document your experiences you are saying, “What I am receiving is important enough that, just in case I ever want to share it with someone, I will document it.

And, yes indeed you have shared your messages with those who were ready to receive it, and also, with those who had the intention to become awake and aware within your consciousness. Therefore, you are now able to accept what we will tell you about the Golden Circle.

The Golden Circle is actually a circle of “Golden Beings.” These beings are in somewhat of a humanoid form, but you’re not sure because you only see them from about the middle of their backs up to their heads, and you don’t see their faces at all. They see them to be composed of liquid, golden light, which is exactly what they are. Therefore, their form is not static, but shifts and wavers.

As these Golden Beings’ forms shift and waver, you can hear them communicating with each other. What they are communicating to each other is how they (who you now realize are “The Keepers of the Threshold” into the fifth dimension and beyond)  can assist the humans to shift into the fifth dimension.

We will assist you to hear more of what you have been hearing. You have only heard bits and pieces, and you were always in a situation where you could not write it down or not record it. Therefore this message seemed to be lost to your third dimensional memory.

Now, we would like you to allow yourself to walk up towards that Golden Circle. Now, walking is just a word, for it is more that you are floating towards them. As you begin to float towards them, you perceive yourself in your humanoid form. However, as you float closer and closer to them, you begin to see that your humanoid form is turning into a golden form, which is much like the beings in the Circle.

By the time you find yourself on the edge of this circle, you are just as golden as they are. Then they turn to you and say, “Welcome. Welcome to our Circle.”

All of them speak telepathically, and all of them speak simultaneously in perfect harmony with each other. You know that all of them are speaking because it is much like a spoken choir where each voice represents a slightly different octave. All these octaves merge and blend into a lovely chorus.

As you observe, each of the Golden Ones change the octave in which they are speaking. One might be speaking at the lowest octave. Then, after speaking for a while, they shift and move up an octave. Then, the ones in the other octaves move up another octave as well.

Then, the next Golden One also shifts until, eventually, they have spoken on all the higher frequencies. Then, they each go back down to the lower octave, to repeat their journey back up to the highest octave. This occurs because they are practicing moving up within these highest sub-octaves of the fifth dimension.

They, the Golden Ones, make these changes because they want to go down to the threshold of human thinking, human experience, human perception and human sense of self, to better understand how they can assist the human, ascending ones.

The Golden Ones want to help the humans, but their evolution is so much beyond that of humanity that it is difficult for a human to perceive them. Thus, the Golden Ones are ready and prepared to speak to a representative wearing an Earth vessel.

However, the Golden Ones have to wait until that Earth representatives are able to calibrate their consciousness to a frequency in which they can perceive the Golden Ones. Do you remember when you very first started to communicate with higher beings?

When you met the very first being with which you communicated, you had to go through a recalibration process. You had to create your “tunnel of light” through the lower astral plane. In creating your tunnel of light, you forged your own “safe crossing” into the higher dimensions.

Now, when you perceive these Golden Ones, you can hear them speaking about the tunnels of light that they are happy the humans are remembering to create with their unconditional love and multidimensional consciousness.

When the forces that were so cruelly indoctrinated into the Illuminati, as you have called them, think of the tunnel of light, it is quite terrifying to them because they have been programmed to believe that that golden light would END their reality. Then, when you look at the Golden Ones, you can see the many, many souls that are surrounding the Golden Circle.

As you expand your vision out to the furthest edges of this vision, you see those who have been indoctrinated into the darkness. You then hear the Golden Ones asking you, “Will you please, walk these edges and send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to the ones indoctrinated into darkness?”

The Golden Ones are asking you to say to the “lost ones,”

‘Beloved Ones,

“We the representatives of the Golden Ones, who are the “Guardians of the Threshold” into the fifth dimension, wish to tell you that you are unconditionally forgiven, you are unconditionally accepted, and you are unconditionally loved. There is no one that is too dark to NOT be Unconditionally Forgiven, Unconditionally Loved, and Unconditionally Accepted.

Whether you know it or not, by going deep into your darkness and transmuting that deep darkness into LIGHT of being a Golden One who is a Threshold Guardian, you have created a very grand service of transmutation of darkness into LIGHT.

“Your service has been that you have dipped down into the depths of third dimensional despair. Then, when you find your way Home to your true Multidimensional SELF, you greatly assist the Guardians of the Threshold, the Golden Ones.

“Therefore, dear lost ones, we the Golden Ones say to you, “Thank you for your service. Thank you for allowing your energy field to flow into a form of one who would have your dark experiences.

“We, the Golden Ones, want you to know that you needn’t remain on the vast lowest frequencies for we, which is all of us Golden Ones, as well as all of awakened humanity, are sending you Unconditional Love, are sending you Violet Fire.

“As we send this Violet Light, we say, “We do not judge you, for many have had lives such as yours, and through our guidance you have been able to:

forgive yourselves,

to accept ourselves,

to love ourselves unconditionally

and to transmute yourselves

from those Lost Ones, lost in the darkness to those moving right into the arms, into the laps, into the thoughts, into the emotions, and into the frequency of Golden Ones, the Threshold Keepers.

“We, the Golden Ones, expand our Golden Circle outwards and downwards into the lower frequencies until — The Golden Circle touches any and all darkness that still resides on our beloved Mother Gaia.”

We, the Golden Ones, ask that humanity assist with the healing of the lost ones, for due to Gaia’s third dimensional operating system of Cause and Effect, the cause of the “dark ones” must be transmuted to allow the effect of clearing all “dark ones” from positions of power-over-others.

Then, due to Gaia’s third dimensional operating system of, Energy Out equals Energy Back,”when Unconditional Love and Violet Fire is sent out into your world, Unconditional Love and Violet Fire will return back into your world.

Finally, Gaia’s third operating system of “Polarization into Individualization” must be transmuted into “Unity with all life on planet Gaia.

All of these components of Gaia’s “3D Operating System” need to be mastered before Earth, and all Her inhabitants, can expand into Her fifth dimensional expression. When the members of Ascending Earth ask us, The Golden Ones, to deeply, highly and inter-dimensionally connect Gaia with our Golden Light, the Mastery of:

Gain mastery of the energy that you send out, as it will return back to you!

Remember that whatever you send out into your world will return to you!

Live in Unity Consciousness with ALL life over, around, and within Earth!









Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. 

Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life.  Suzanne first stepped onto her spiritual path in the mid-1970s when she met her first spiritual teacher. Since then, she has had many teachers and initiations.

Her life in the physical plane was quite “normal” as her spiritual work provided her with the confidence to continue her educational training to obtain a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Her studies included personal psychotherapy and focused on alternative methods of psychotherapy, such as hypnotherapy and guided meditation, which gave her tools to help herself, as well as others.suelie (1)

Becoming One Vol 1In 1999, after two years of prompting from the Arcturians, she began sharing her insights on her website,, where her full spiritual journey is described. “Coming out” of the spiritual closet was not easy, but fortunately, documenting her journey and talking to others all over the world with similar experiences allowed her to fully accept and embrace her true SELF.

Once she built a solid foundation of knowledge regarding the journey back to the multidimensional SELF, she began writing the two volumes of the book,Becoming ONE, People and Planet: A Manual for Personal and Planetary Transformation (VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2.)

She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.

Explorations into the incarnation and connection of twin flames and divine complements are detailed inReconstructing Realityher book, Visions from Venus, and her book Reconstructing Realitydescribes the process of awakening to past or parallel lives and incarnations.

She is excited to share her latest 5-book series, Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension, which details the entire process of an ascending planet designed to assist humanity with its current transition into a higher dimension.

Recognizing the need for comprehensive educational training and guidance in multidimensionality, she has recently started a new Leadership Program, designed to train new leaders that will bring forth expanded, synchronistic guidance, support, leadership, and governance in the societal shift.

The JournalShe has just published two new books, including The Journal, which features a compilation of messages received throughout my life presented in a relatable story highlighting what happens when ordinary people receive extraordinary information.  A lovely coffee table picture-book, I Saw A Garden, is a compilation of my illustrations with specific messages the images wished to convey.

All of her initiatives remind us that through seeking, communicating with, and integrating our true, multidimensional SELF into our physical life, we can greatly expand our consciousness and regain latent skills that will assist us in creating our new reality.

Suzanne is available for personal sessions and would love to connect with and assist those ready to explore multidimensionality and who feel drawn to the Arcturian teachings.

Preparing For First Contact A Novel by the Pleiadians by Suzanne Lie

Connect with Suzanne Lie



Awakening with Suzanne Lie


The Journal

I Saw a Garden

Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book Series (5 books)

Visions from Venus

Reconstructing Reality

Becoming One, Volume I

Becoming One, Volume II

Social & Multimedia

Suzanne Lie on YouTube

Suzanne Lie on Facebook

Suzanne Lie on Twitter

Suzanne Lie on Pinterest

Suzanne Lie on Google +

Suzanne Lie on LinkedIn

The Golden Ones by The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie September 13, 2016 was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

An introduction to Gaia’s higher self and twin flame aspect and coming changes for New Earth.

Please welcome Chloe Hudson with her 1st Gaia Channeling ~ World Peace Projects on YouTube

originally posted on 4-8-15 ~ by Chloe Hudson

World Peace Projects is a template of an ever evolving platform that is consistently and unconditionally supported and run by an infinite amount of heavenly and galactic hosts. We have one aligned goal to awaken the masses and usher in and flourish the New World. This is our unified mission. Welcome Home!

e60250_88442d1b8e8e4ee6bc96d693b70e6f80-mv2For a personal healing or channeling please contact me at:


Subscribe to Chloe’s channel World Peace Projects

Love and Light!


    Chloe Hudson

Intuitive Channeling/ Energetic Healing



We wouldn’t have such a large audience if it weren’t for you continuously Sharing, Subscribing and Supporting Our Channel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do, and please keep it up! 🙂

An introduction to Gaia’s higher self and twin flame aspect and coming changes for New Earth. was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

So I’m a Lightworker, Now What! Channeling Conversations With The Cosmos by Darshana Patel


Unscripted Way: Reiki & Energy Healing, Channeling, and Spiritual Workshops in Decatur, Metro Atlanta, Remote/Virtual


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla




Darshana Patel is a renowned Channeled Healer/Reiki Master, Medium, and facilitator at the Love & Light Institute. She is dedicated to inspiring the world to a new level of consciousness, compassion, and connection by accessing universal wisdom. She is a gifted healer, facilitating over a thousand Reiki/energy sessions to support clients in transforming their lives from the inside out. Darshana possesses a Master’s degree in Conflict and advanced certifications in organizational Change and personal Transformation.


Conversations with the Cosmos Channeling – 07.09.16

Notice how recent events are evoking such deep emotions and bringing into view our beliefs. The pot is being stirred and all that had settled to the bottom of our collective consciousness is now buoying at the top. This anger, rage, resentment, fear, mistrust, etc. was always there. This is our individual and collective shadow. We are simply bringing it to the surface. Visible. In plain sight, Now we are no longer subject to its bitter taste. We’ve been drinking this bitter soup as its all we’ve known. As the sludge comes to the surface, we are acknowledging – to no denial – its existence.

The desire to be heard, to matter, to be safe, equal, treated with dignity and kindness, to have fairness, etc. are all basic human needs. These needs have been unmet and the resentments have been encoded in our DNA for thousands of years. Your scientists are now finding fears, traumas, phobias, and beliefs shape the DNA and are propagated through the generations. The ripples of slavery and all forms of oppression exist – vibrationally – across generations. It’s as alive today as it what then, in the energetic sense.

What can be done with the shadow now coming to light? What is the light? It is the photon. The bodies we inhabit are light. We are light beings. What inspired the light? Love. You see, we are one consciousness learning about itself. See yourself in the mirror of your adversary. For that is their purpose. There is learning for you in their eyes – the common soul. Smother the shadow with love.

This is the dissolution of the shadow – accepting the one consciousness of all existence. Break the encoded cycle. Rewrite your inherited programming with love, compassion, and connection.

The solutions to the challenges present today transcend the mind. It is the mind that has created these challenges in the first place. All of our meaning-making and enculturated beliefs no longer serve the new paradigm emerging. Love as a noun and a verb will usher in a new consciousness and bring with it new perspectives hidden to you today.

One love. The Cosmos.


by unscripted-ways-header

So I’m a Lightworker, Now What! Channeling Conversations With The Cosmos by Darshana Patel was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

Gaia Grounding Alignment – by Joanna L. Ross

Universal Unity – Inspirations & Inspirings from Source ~ New Earth Consciousness ~ short clips ~ by Joanna L. Ross


Joanna L. Ross was born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia Canada. At a very early age, she was infinitely inspired by life around her. A series of soul wrenching dreams was the catalyst to understanding her innate psychic abilities. Profound synchronistic events followed her desire to understand the realms that she would peek into when she was prescribed meditation. This marked the beginning of an infinite path of being a student to the Universe. Joanna’s primary passion and life expression is to first be a student of creation. In utter gratitude, she is inspired to shared, educate, and enlighten those who desire to understand ascension, universal laws, and our great universal family within the cosmos. Joanna, a passionate Public Speaker, Esoteric Teacher, Intuitive Visionary, Author, and Ambassador for New Earth is here to tap into the vibrational frequency of the 5th dimensional new earth. In these incredibly accelerating times, our collective, our planet, is moving through a never before experienced ascension, which in turn, offers the potentials for humanity to move from a lower 3rd dimensional frequency, to a 5th dimensional light quotient.

Joanna will be speaking in Sedona on November 11th – 12th this year!

click here to join us.banner-sedona1

 Live on the radio with Joanna

Universal Unity – New Earth Consciousness!

If you missed the Live show don’t worry, I have it for you right here :)

Check out Joanna’s Page at Universal Unity and if you want to engage with us please feel free to call in or write to the show, We’re on every Saturday Kcor Radio

The Wonderful Messages Channeled through Joanna from the Higher Dimensions


Joanna L. Ross Books

5th Dimensional Consciousness: Profound Ways to Awaken Your Potential and Align with Future Contact shares key understandings about the shifts and changes we all see, experience, and know to be true as Gaia moves through planetary ascension. By tapping into this new energy, it is created and triggered from within. The pineal gland, along with various other physical components create the doorway for us to experience the expanded growth that is required for us to move up with Gaia, from 3rd to 5th resonating frequency. In this ascending process, we release, shift, and alter all that we are. We let go of old beliefs and unlock our true, hidden potential thereby allowing us to unite and build the bridge to the greater cosmos. Your ascension begins here.

In response to the overwhelming number of new awakenings upon Gaia, and with each and every new awakening, the electromagnetic energy spurs even greater potential for others to seek their own light. Our planetary awakening and ascension are the most pure examples of the ‘snowball’ effect; however, at this time, it is best described as the ‘illuminated galactic human’ effect. There have been many secrets kept from humanity as a whole since the beginning of our lives upon Earth, but we are now ready to step up into our ‘new truth.’ There is no greater force than Source essence revealed as a result of daily path work and inner seeking, and in this, there is no stronger vibration and power to create and manifest a true harmonic change.

 Thank you for connecting with us and we wish you love and light in your path to ascension and higher learning. Joanna L. Ross
Founder, Public Speaker & Ascension Coach
Universal Unity
Center for Ascension & Higher Learning

Gaia Grounding Alignment – by Joanna L. Ross was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

Energy Update – Way down we go by Jenny Schiltz September 9, 2016

I got into the car this morning to take my youngest to school and the song on the radio was “Way down we go” by Kaleo. I had to laugh because earlier as I was getting ready I had a running to do list in my head and I knew it included sending out an energy update. I had thought to myself – What is the best way to describe what is happening right now?  I was pulled from this train of thought to attend to making lunch and making sure teeth were brushed. Yet as I got into the car, spirit obliged me and described it perfectly. Way down we go.


The energies coming in are amazing, intense, fantastic andbrutal all at the same time. These are the higher timeline energies coming in. It’s a pre-wave before we jump timelines as a collective. The reason this is important is because it is a beautiful opportunity to clear up all that is unsustainable in the accelerated energies. This is the reason that so many are experiencing that what they thought was stable is crumbling. If it is not going to serve you in this accelerated timeline it has to go. For some this will feel like a giant roadblock has been put in your path so that you have no option but to go elsewhere, yet for others it is subtle and confusing. Being in the midst of Mercury Retrograde does not make it any less confusing either. This is a good time to go deep within and make sure that all of you, your mind, body, and spirit is on the same page. For others doorways have opened and the path looks beautifully clear.

If you have experienced a road block in your plans, take it as a sign that the direction you were headed is not in your highest good long term. Prior to an accelerated timeline you could have explored that direction and learned from it even if it didn’t stay stable for the long term. However, with this timeline jump, we will be moving very quickly and the soul understanding this is now saying – that won’t work out and I don’t need to have the experience. So when things appear to fall apart, take a step back and say – Thank you, you saved me from something that would not have been worthwhile in the long run.

I understand that this is a lot easier to do when it is business opportunities that fall away verses relationships. Yet, the premise remains the same, what would not have lasted for the long term is being shown to us now.  That does not mean that all that stays now will not end at a later time. What it means is that if it stays at this time it is still in your highest good and you are growing and learning from it.

Not only are we seeing where things have shifted, we are also seeing where our loved ones, pets included are transitioning out of form. Contracts have ended, roles are completed, and their energy is ready to move on. There seems to be quite a few pets leaving us the last couple of months and it is in their absence that we realize just how deeply they supported us. I am not surprised when a client asks about a pet and I hear from their ascension team that the pet is a soul mate or guide.  Many of you can look back and see where animals have helped you through patches in life and when that is complete, the animal leaves.   Being an animal on earth is just one of the many experiences we undertake before coming in as a human. As with us, the animals have a task and a goal, when it is completed, they return to spirit to learn something new.  With the accelerated timeline, the timeline in which an animal companion completes their role has changed as well.  Though it is painful, it can also be a sign that you too are ready for the next phase in your life. My niece just recently lost a very beloved horse that helped her heal and grow in so many ways. Now the horse is still helping her figure out who she is through the grief process.


Not only are we seeing really rapid shifts in our life with the energies, but we are also experiencing deep, deep introspection. As we embody more and more of our soul, our I AM, we must reconcile all that is within us that does not match the higher frequencies. This is really taping into not only our patterns but the Ancestral patterns that have affected our lives. Ancestral DNA is being cleared in these moments. It’s an opportunity for you to look back through your family history. Can you see where you continued the pattern or fought against it to the point you created one just as problematic? (For example: the abused child who now as a parent does not instill rules or discipline in their children.) Now is the time to see your patterns and the deep emotions swirling around them. From here you can release them and choose different. This is happening on a collective level as well. Groups that have been subjugated are now standing up not only for what is taking place in this now, but to discuss what has taken place through the years. It has to come up for acknowledgement and releasing, without this we just keep recreating it.

I am blessed that much of my understanding of this process comes from working with clients and their guides. It leads to huge AH HA moments and I know that they must be shared. Recently I was working with a client and her guides were telling me that what was holding her back was deep anger and pain over things that happened in her life. When I told her about it, she said that she had reconciled all that, understood that her soul chose the experience and that she grew from it. Then I got it. Really got it. As we awaken and merge with our highest self we learn the concepts of soul path and choosing the theme we experience and the soul growth that is obtained. This helps us to understand the bigger picture, but if we haven’t dealt with the emotions created by the events, then it’s like throwing a pretty bag over a feral screaming cat. Eventually that cat will find its way out and it is going to be madder than ever.

Somewhere along the way many of us thought that to be spiritual we shouldn’t feel negative emotions, we reasoned them away with knowledge and logic. Well, that only works for so long. The only way to fully release all those emotions, the pain, the disappointment is to feel them and honor them. Otherwise it creates this build up that must be released. Imagine this conversation:

Human Self: I feel cheated that my dad was an alcoholic my whole life. That he was never there and then when he finally sobers up, I am out of the house. Then he dies just a few years later. I never got to know him and I’m pissed.

Spiritual Self: Well, you planned this, you see. You learned a lot about yourself growing up with an alcoholic, uninvolved father. He showed you want kind of parent you did not want to be and the type of man you didn’t want to marry.

Human Self: What does that have to do with how I FEEL? (As the human self wants to punch the self-righteous spiritual self in the face)

Can you see how that lack of validation of feelings could just create more anger?  More feelings of not being heard? Can you see how this can get louder and louder until it can no longer be ignored or placated away? This is what the energy is showing us. It is showing us what has been glossed over and stuffed down. Give yourself permission to be ANGRY. Give yourself permission to be SAD. Give yourself permission to FEEL anything that is coming up. Sit with it until it no longer needs to be acknowledged.

At that point, the deeper spiritual understanding is wonderful and we can begin to see just how perfect all of this has been. Until then though we must honor the one who was hurt, disappointed, betrayed, ignored, and unloved. As we honor this part of ourselves and we love it fully and deeply, this in itself sets us free.

“And way down we go-o-o-o-o
Way down we go-o-o-o-o
Say way down we go
Way down we go

You let your feet run wild
Time has come as we all oh, go down
Yeah but for the fall oh, my
Do you dare to look him right in the eyes?”

Have the courage to go deep and look yourself, ALL of yourself right in the eyes. Once you get through & honor all the layers of pain and emotion, you will see how beautiful you really are.

Sending you all so much love.❤


For information on having a session with Jenny Schiltz please visit  Information on Obtaining a Reading or to book directly go to   

Join the Facebook page to keep up to date on the energies Channeling the Masters

Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.

**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **


Energy Update – Way down we go by Jenny Schiltz September 9, 2016 was originally published on Awakening Our Truth