Category Archives: Sister Pam

Earth Guardians – Paméla

The Message: Madame Pam –

The Music: MusicalyZen – Archangel Metatron | Activation of the Golden Abundance | Healing Light of Divinity | 999 hz

The Mixer: Jamie

The Guardians SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Sister Pam

Very dear friends,

We have been around for a long time. We built worlds together, wonderful and marvelous. We traveled the entire cosmos to witness dazzling phenomenon. We could see and ear the multitude of cosmic rays flying in all directions and join together to the heart of the stars, planets and all life. We knew everything was wrapped in the Light, its humour was legendary and it came from the Source. We called it Creator, Spirit, Father.

You and I saw it all. Did it all. We couldn’t be stopped. We would offer council to brothers and sisters less experienced. We were part of a Grand Family spread through galaxies. Our technology was simple and advanced. We knew the laws of the Universe and we could use them to the benefit of everyone. We were protectors of Love and Compassion on every world and to any creature. Each of us had a unique talent, vital to the others. Our union created Heavens.

Then one day, we received a call from very high in the Family. The Wisest and The Eldest were asking volunteers to a perilous but crucial quest in an unexplored corner of the Universe. I remember the excitement we all felt facing a possible new adventure as we raised our hands before the elders could even finish. We had to be shrunk and slowed to reach the dense world of organic matter. We had to be reborn in a living being and learn to live anew. Easy! Been There! Only this new world was far away from Source and was engulfed in Darkness. We would have to jump in there and bring the light back through our collective strength. We would have all the help we would need but that job really only we could do it.

The silence echoed a billion thoughts of fear and doubt but Source spoke. He held us in his Unconditional Love and we took courage. He then added we would forget who we were since only a small spark of us would reach our body.  As for the heart, it would never forget. It would never be severed from him. It would be our very best friend as Heaven would watch over us from the first instant to the last moment. We would never be alone.

So we jumped! We fell together on Earth and we forgot. We did our best that is the truth. It was very hard. We were attacked at every corner, humiliated, isolated, tortured, killed. We would be born to try again. We learned many survival skills like hiding and staying quiet. Or building small closed communities and having nothing to do with anybody. Or fight the way through whatever happens. But we forgot the mission: To bring back the light on this planet. Our brothers and Sisters up high cried with us, suffered with us, whispered words of love to our souls and embraced us to our death.

“When do I go back? We said as we awaken. The Family answered with surprise, “Don’t you need to rest from your ordeal?”

“No!”  We felt a deep love for the planet, her life and the sweetness of the senses. Nothing could stop us from going back. We knew again what the mission was. We learned through many lifetimes faster than anyone in the Universe. The times of our lives passed so did the cycles of the Earth and the Ages of the Galaxy.

Until Now! Now as this planet is bathed in light coming from all directions and mostly from its core. You know that also. You feel it. You see it in yourself and in others. Something is different. Something subtle but drastic. You see the truth, now you must make the choice.

What choice? How should I know! My latest choice was simply to write this to you. I smile thinking you are smiling too. And if you are, you are a guardian. You are my crewman. We are in this together even though we do not quite understand what it is. It’s just that we can’t go back to were we used to be. That much is certain, the rest…God knows.



I am Sister Pam, I pray God will unite us in joy and laughter. Oh! and, I can’t wait to see you in your own good time.

The Guardians SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Sister Pam was originally published on Awakening Our Truth