
Welcome Awakening Souls

Hi I’m Jamie and I’m just a guy who had a Kundalini Awakening on December 5th, 2011.

After that night I made a promise to myself that as long as I remained here completing this journey with my wonderful wife, that I would try my hardest to awaken as many souls as I could before leaving and at the bare minimum peek the interest of many so that one day in the near future this world can become what it should be “A beautiful learning center for the soul.” My wife and childhood sweetheart, Shannon, is what you would call an old soul. She was present during my awakening and has her own unique perspective on these things. We are the mirrors of each other’s souls and her perspective can be found here.  Awakening Our Truth is our labor of love and a shared experience for us all.  We are all one, it’s not just some cool saying. There is only One and we are all projections of that one. If you are reading this, it is probably a good assumption that you are prepared to take the next step in your spiritual journey. As you explore our pages and blog topics, PLEASE  keep an open mind and DON’T take anything you may see here as the only TRUTH

Here is our story…  tumblr_nouvogwaYc1s68un8o1_1280

Here is a little history of my life. At the age of 10, I met a girl who would someday be my wife; her name is Shannon. I knew from the moment that I laid my eyes upon her that we would share most of our lives together. This was my first experience with the divine connection, this feeling of Knowing. It was a feeling of such strength, there was no questioning it. It felt like it was meant to be and even though, my best friend asked her out before I could, they eventually broke up and I began seeing her sometime later. I know, I know, you’re not supposed to date your buddy’s ex-girlfriend, but it was meant to be and I knew it, besides I saw her first! Haha. We dated off and on throughout middle school and high school. I remember the last time we broke up. It was as if we knew we were supposed to be together but we were not ready. We looked at each other and kissed goodbye for what would be our last breakup kiss. Continue reading the full story Here with videos that triggered my Awakening.

Our Blog is Loaded with Ascension information from Spiritual Teachers from around the world and more is added daily! Please subscribe 🙂

And we are always looking for New Spiritual Contributors 😉 Email us

If you are beginning your spiritual journey, the Rabbit Hole is a good place to start. BUT, please be warned it is filled with lower dimensional energy, so if you decide to go there please come back up! by visiting our Ascensions page or feel free to skip right to it.

The Videos Page has all the latest videos on YouTube from Us and The Entourage we jive with.

If you’re interested in Shannon’s little corner of Awakening Our Truth you can find her Here!


What we are currently working on…

Our current Dream is for Awakening Our Truth to become a resource for newly awakened souls so they don’t feel alone like Jamie did during his awakening.  We’re building an online community for other Spiritual Bloggers, Channelers, Life Coaches and Public Speakers to gather and share information and events with our community.

We’re also working on some new exciting projects including: more YouTube videos from Jamie including Live Streaming, a community Forum, and a Podcast! The future is exciting!

Our intentions are set on peace and love, again…Welcome!





“We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. Learning “remembering” ~Unconditional Love~ in a story we call Life. It’s an  we create from 

We are energy, you are it’s form.

You created this Illusion to to have fun and to help you understand who you truly are.

Jamie Hendon

( I Am The Algorithm )



Listen to My Kundalini Awakening story here.



Home was originally published on Awakening Our Truth

Hello and Welcome, We are Jamie and Shannon and together we are on this journey. His awakening has become a mirror in our lives, moving us forward and reflecting in ways we could never imagine.